Originally created in 1918, this breathtaking map weaves together tales of wonder from Anglo-Saxon folklore, Greek and Norse mythology, and timeless fairy tales into a rich tapestry of mythical landscapes. Twirl with Red Riding Hood through enchanted woods, fly to the stars with Peter Pan, or uncover the mysteries of Avalon.
Celebrate memories with style, wonder, and a touch of fairy-tale fantasy. Let your wardrobe become the story.
Through ARTiSTORY's museum licensing program, we help brands create their own Art Collection series, transforming their products into collectible pieces.
Step into a world of wonder this holiday season with The Fairy Tale Odyssey Collection. Inspired by The Ancient Mappe of Fairyland from the British Library, this designer collection transforms timeless tales into a piece of wearable art. Each dress is more than an outfit—it’s a portal to an enchanting world where fairy tales come alive.
ARTiSTORY's curatorial and creative teams are excited to collaborate with you in exploring the opportunities of a museum IP licensing partnership. By transforming historical artifacts into contemporary products, we can help boost your sales with unique designs and compelling storytelling.