Created in collaboration with the British Library, this collection showcases classic illustrations and designs drawn from the Library’s archives, celebrating the timeless tale that has captivated generations.
Each piece invites kids to step into their own Wonderland, sparking their imagination and encouraging them to explore a world of endless possibilities, just like Alice!
Through ARTiSTORY's museum licensing program, we help brands create their own Art Collection series, transforming their products into collectible pieces.
Step into a world of wonder with our new children’s clothing collection, designed for ages 6-12 and inspired by Lewis Carroll’s The Nursery “Alice.” This enchanting adaptation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland brings Carroll’s magical storytelling and whimsical charm to life.
ARTiSTORY's curatorial and creative teams are excited to collaborate with you in exploring the opportunities of a museum IP licensing partnership. By transforming historical artifacts into contemporary products, we can help boost your sales with unique designs and compelling storytelling.